Tuesday, June 5, 2007

June 5, 2007

Last night finally off monthly really wanted to play, but Master came to bed so late was pretty much asleep by then. Would have gladly woken up to play, but he didn't even touch me. Didn't wear underwear even hoping, but ah well. Guess the game was more important. OK know I'm not being fair, but I was hurt. He hasn't touched me in so long in a sexual way even though it's only been a few weeks it feels like forever. Don't know why always need proof of his attraction and dedication to me, but I do..sigh. Ah well don't know what's going on anymore. Have a short time to get some important stuff done, and we are probably loosing his niece and nephew to there father's so there is a lot of stress. It's understandable but it's hard not hugging or talking. We did so much of it for a while then it just seems to go away, and once again we each do our own thing. Spend very little time together, and Master always seems to be in a bad mood. Sighsss and goes to mds chat to play a bit....


Master Ed said...

You want me to comment. I am getting tired of you thinking you need constant attention. I understand the way you think but I also have a lot of things on my mind and yes a game takes it away for a couple of hours. Just like your mds chat takes your mind off of things. DOn't ever think I am not thinking of you. I have lots of things on my mind and you know what they are. So we will get to things when I can put 110% on you without thinking of other shit.

I love you but DON'T question my intentions.

Dark Angel said...

Not questioning you Sir. Just stating my feelings which is what this forum is for. Have said all along that this one knows how upset you are, and it's not easy for either of us right now, but if we can't hold each other and comfort each other then what are we togather for?